Chris Hesketh, RIBA

Architect Director

Chris Hesketh qualified as an Architect at the Plymouth School of Architecture in 1993 and has a wide range of architectural experience including housing, community architecture, urban renewal, cultural buildings and historic building conservation.

Having joined ctd architects in 1998 Chris was appointed as a director in 2001. His extensive experience and expertise in the design and conservation repair of significant historic houses, vernacular agricultural buildings, former mill buildings and pottery factories; and in community regeneration programmes, is a particular strength of the practice.

Chris is an accredited building conservation architect (AABC); an affiliate member of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (AIHBC); a member of the Vernacular Architecture Group (VAG); a Church-of-England Approved Inspecting Architect (Lichfield and Derby Diocese); and a Trustee of the Leek and Moorlands Historic Building Trust (LMHBT).